Just wanted to pop in to say Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers (and hello to everyone else). I am thankful for many things today - my hubby, my health, my family and friends, my loving furbabies, having a job and a nice home. I am also thankful for you, my readers and friends, for your support, encouragement, insightful comments, forwarded links (that I can blog about!), and heartfelt email messages. Many of you have told me that my writings make you feel validated and understood and I am glad for that. But I want you to know that the same holds true for me. When I started this blog, I did so just to give myself a place to discharge the feelings, ideas and frustrations that were bouncing around in my head for years with nowhere to go. I didn't expect that so many people would find my little blog, resonate with what I wrote and echo my sentiments. This makes me feel much less alone in the world and I have come to realize that there are many of us, and I am not some lone oddball.
After a few years of blogging on childfreedom, this blog now receives about 12,000 visits per month and most newcomers find it by Googling, "reasons not to have kids". That means there are many of us out there, looking for others with a like mind to connect with.
Thanks again for your support, contributions and most importantly your friendship. I am grateful for you!
Thankful for being childfree and knowing there are others out there :)
I am thankful that we live in an age where women have the 1) agency/social standing and 2) the pharmacological means to choose whether or not to have children, instead of it being a foregone conclusion! rAmen!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I am certainly one of those people who is grateful for you and your blog; I had a totally awful last few months and reading your blog and your followers' comments helped me through some tough decisions.
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for many things in my life and being CF is definitely up there. Thank you for your wonderful posts and thoughtful commentary on CF related topics. Keep up the good work- I love reading your blog!
What Cassie said! I'm calling birth control the best invention ever, with electricity being a close second.
I'm thankful for this blog, too. It's certainly not an exercise in hurling derogatory terms in an effort to offend parents, but it doesn't pussyfoot around the issues or worry about whether they will be offended by the truth, either. It lends credibility to our cause.
Happy Thanksgiving! Im happy to live in an era where I can choose to not have children!
Happy Thanksgiving! I love this blog--it makes me feel like I'm not alone out there. Going to my family's house for Thanksgiving and having 4 toddlers there made me realize just how much this lifestyle is NOT for me. Luckily, I escaped with no gravy smeared on my clothes from the kids' grubby hands, but still...I'm just really thankful that I don't have kids!
I am thankful for being CF along with all the great things it has brought me, mainly being able to retire 2 years ago at age 45.
Definitely thankful to be childfree. Three full days with our huge families solidified the decision even more (though there was never any question).
Also thankful for you as a wonderful friend and also your fantastic blog!
I love this blog. Your intelligence and articulation make it one of my favorites. Thanks so much for the writing, it's helped me so much these past few years. I'm so happy to be childfree! Have a wonderful holiday season!
Don't forget your readers from Spain! I found your blog through a group in facebook I'm in called "stop making babies", I'm all for antinatalism.
It makes me feel glad and less alone to know there are more people like me.
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