I would like to start a monthly feature on my blog called, A Man's View, featuring the viewpoints of childfree men. It seems like most of the childfree content out there is written by (or about) childfree women, and I'd like to get the men in on the action.
If you are a childfree man and have some relevant viewpoints or thoughts to share that you think would work well on this blog, please contact me at firecracker_mandy(at)yahoo.com. OR, if you are a female reader and you think your boyfriend, hubby or guy friend would be up for the task, please have him email me.
I am especially interested in hearing about the male experience of being childfree, how it impacts friendships and family relationships, the pressures men are under (or not) to have kids, their observations about the lives of their friends and family members who have kids, what makes the childfree male experience unique, or any other interesting perspective on male childfreedom.
Submissions can be anonymous or attributed to the writer if preferred.
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