Wednesday, April 27, 2011



LadyTyger said...

LOVE it! Thank you for posting this: it made my morning! :)

CFVixen said...

I love this!

Anonymous said...

Haha I want this on a shirt!

Anonymous said...

I know someone (a mom) who said she can't relate to her high school friend anymore because that friend isn't sure she wants to have children. Really? Can you only talk to people who are moms because otherwise you have nothing in common or anything to talk about? Keep in mind this mom has a Master's degree so she is educated and should be able to hold intelligent conversation outside of "Today, Susie did this.." Seriously...

Moose said...

Hahaha! Made me laugh out loud! Totally made my day!

Unknown said...

I want this on a flyer-sized poster I can leave around suburban family haunts.

Thanks for posting this!!! I had a rotten afternoon fighting breeders to get small errands done, and this made me laugh so hard I almost cried.

Surfie said...

Best poster ever. :)

miya said...


Sharonkay said...

What a great poster! I am so happy that some people are finally getting the message. I really never wanted kids and am very happy to be childfree.

Sadie said...


Daghain said...

I think I'm going to need to use this as wallpaper for my computer.

Childfree Travel said...

OMG! This is so great, where can I buy it?! LOLOLOLOLOL

4hoofs4Him said...

What a wonderful poster!!! I wish it came in wallpaper :-)

Zooples and Co said...

The only reason people with kids say they can't relate to their friends who don't want kids is because they are jealous and sometimes wish they had made that decision too. Trust me, I have kids (whom I love) and some days I am jealous of those people who still have money in their bank accounts and the ability to up and go whenever they want.

Anonymous said...
