Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Laughs

Thank you, Stew, for the forward.


  1. That was awesome!! Needed a good laugh. Thanks! ;-)

  2. I feel this way all the time around children. Sometimes the things they have to say are cute and charming, but mostly it's just boring. And I really don't like having to explain myself in terms a child can understand when I make a comment.

  3. That's it, nothing else to say !

  4. Oh, that was beautiful! I love the way he presents it. Perfect! Must show hubby...

  5. ha, thought you guys would like that...there is a recent Time article that said “The real costs of raising a child for a moderate-income family”—including forgone income, college for those who attend, and the so-called opportunity cost of not investing the money—”would be closer to $900,000 to age 22 than the reported $300,000 expenditures to age 18,” says John Ward, an economist and the president of John Ward
