Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Fun

I ask you:

Who needs KIDS when you can have one of these???  This is our precious girl, whose nickname is The Cuteness Machine.  Can you tell how much she loves being posed in this position (yet she lets me do it anyway).


  1. Soooo much cuter than any kid I know! Plus: a fraction of the expense, no back-talk, more affectionate, more cuddly, they don't stop being cute, no worrying about them doing drugs, getting pregnant (if you were responsible enough to have them fixed/spaded), and no babysitters! Win-win-win-win.....

  2. Daww!XD The cuteness! I loved it when I had cats and could tickle their bellies. I wish I could have pets but sadly my Landlord won't allow them so I have to make do with plants, haha!

  3. When I was a teenager, my brother brought home a cat to add to the other two we already had. Rocky, my brother named him, could be put into unusual positions when he was sleepy, including one like the one shown in the picture.

    But my brother went one step further. After putting Rocky in that upright position, he shone a bright lamp light on him, put a pair of sunglasses over his closed eyes, wrapped his paw around an empty beer can, and snapped a picture of him. Rocky never moved. It was hilarious. :)

  4. AWWWW! Nuzzle-nuzzle fluffy tum-tums! Yes, I love the kitty 'why?' look.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I've gotta say, I'm always way more interested in people's pets than their babies when I go to their houses.

    Especially cats.

  7. Yes, pets are more predictably rewarding than raising children, I'd say. I have a gazillion pictures of my cat lounging on my bed. I call him Larry, Earl of Mattress.

  8. I love her little pink nose. Very cute.

    She's so cute, when are you going to have another one? ;-)

    There's a great entry on the website "Maybe Baby Maybe Not" titled something like, "Don't Expect Me to Hold Your Baby If You Won't Pet My Cat"

  9. I realize this an old thread, but I have to say your kitty's adorable. :) I have a munchkin cat who lives with me...he's as close to a baby as I will ever get.
