this post about inconsiderate parents? Well, my inlaws were over again this past weekend and in the knick of time I caught my brother-in-law's girlfriend in the act of getting ready to change our niece's diaper on our area rug, with no pad under him. I was in the kitchen and I heard her say to my nephew, "do you need your diaper changed?" (checks diaper) "Oh, yes! You're SOAKED!" She then takes him into our living room and proceeds to lay him down on the floor - on our nice area rug - with no barrier between him and the rug and starts taking his pants off to change his soaked diaper.
This time I said something. I handed her a towel and said, "would you mind putting this under her?" She gives me a puzzled look and asks "Oh, why? Because she's
wet?" No because I think she looks more attractive lying on a towel then on our rug. HELLO?! Do you really think I want our area rug soaked with PISS!? Have some consideration! (I didn't say this, of course. I just said, "yes", but come on!)
I am telling you, I really wonder about people sometimes. Does becoming a parent kill brain cells?
Oh dear lord. Someone's not firing on all cylinders there!! I guess she's so used to bodily fluids all over her furniture that she doesn't think twice.
Ahhh! I remember reading the couch incident and was flabbergasted. I come from a very breederific family and not once did anyone even fathom changing a diaper on our floor or furniture without a towel.
Even if you are such a diaper changing pro, that you can do the whole thing while dangling kid upside down with him touching a thing, the chances of an "accident" are just too great.
No amount of apologizing makes up for diarrhea on your $4000 Anthropologie sofa.
Diaper-changing needs to be done in the BATHROOM. No exceptions. I mean, no one would like it if an adult peed all over their rug or their couch, so why should it be any different it it's a baby?
I never cease to be amazed as to where some parents think it's okay to change diapers - restaurant chairs/tables, seats on the bus or train, even seats at the ballpark. I even once read a rant about some father who changed his kid's diaper on the conveyor belt at a non-open checkout at a grocery store. Yanno, where people have to put FOOD?
I think they get tunnel vision. They start looking at everything in terms of their children, and eventually nothing else (including other peoples' houses, yards, and possessions) is relevant. "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
I know what you can get them for Christmas, though: a giant box of Chux, also known as "puppy wee-wee pads."
Just make sure to store them at your house, and the next diaper-changing incident, whip one out. You don't even need to wash it afterward.
Hubby here..this woman is literally a replica of Brandine Spuckler from "The Simpsons", just without the accent..Her intellect is so far below her boyfriend's, it's pathetically obvious that he chose her for breeding alone, never thinking about what the rest of his life would be like. But, by procreating, he's finally done what he hadn't before in his 30-plus years on Earth: "accomplish" something!! Best of all, there are already signs that the child has inherited the mother's intellect ( or worse )and is having developmental problems, but he's already stated that he won't take the boy to get tested - he may hear something he doesn't want to...
I'm not a big fan of China's system of government, but they do have SOME great ideas..
Let me guess, she didn't wash her hands when she was done changing the diaper, did she?!
Wow. Yeah, there's no better way to care for a child than burying your head in the sand when there may be a serious issue. That is totally disgusting. The kid could have a problem that could be totally reversed if given proper meds or diagnosed early so that therapy could be successfully administered before it's too late.
Yet another example of people who have NO BUSINESS having kids!
It's pretty sad that it's usually the people who should not have kids who do and the people who *should* have them - people who are responsible, caring, intelligent, etc. - who don't.
As a result, we're raising a generation of self-involved, entitlement-minded morons! And these are the people we will have to rely on to care for us in our old age.
I better buy a gun to use on myself in case I realize my worst fears re: the future generation have been realized...
I remember reading somewhere that pregnancy, for undisclosed (at least, there) reasons, causes a woman's brain to shrink by approximately 8%.
Someone theorized that it was due to the lower nutrient availability with the parasite...er, I mean child taking as much as it does.
Can't remember where I read it though...
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