Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Laughs

Thanks, CFVixen, for the forward.


  1. I saw this comment on another article, "children = poverty", ha.

  2. The "with kids" side saddens me. It makes me think of one of my sister's friends who is pregnant and the boyfriend walked out on her. The friend, a 22-year-old, doesn't have family support and my sister is practically her only reliable friend so the friend will have the kid with her pretty much everywhere she goes till the kid goes to nursery school or preschool. I keep thinking of all the fun stuff I can do within the next 18 years because of being childfree while this girl is struggling to hold things together. Three weeks ago, she became a certified nurse and my mom, my sister, and I were the only ones she had to celebrate with and we felt pretty bad for her. We surprised her with a beautiful flower bouquet and a cute card at our house.

  3. Oh, I forgot to mention my sister's friend I was talking about in the other post wanted to be a mother but she did *not* want to be a single mother.

  4. I don't get why you feel sorry for the single mom. She decided to have the kid. She could have had an abortion, or given it up for adoption. Then she could have had kids when she was ready for them. The only one forcing her to have that life is her.

    The miserable shopping parents chose that life.

  5. I feel sorry for the single mom because I imagine she feels she failed her boyfriend for him to leave her and I imagine she couldn't stand the thought of failing her child so she's possibly guilt-tripping herself into keeping it instead of aborting it or adopting it out.

  6. Are people still going to malls?

  7. Are people still going to malls?
