Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday Laugh

Looks like WestJet pulled a good April Fool's joke on it's passengers.  Too bad it's only a joke!


  1. Too bad it isn't real. Great April Fool's Day Joke!

  2. Westjet will make millions if they really do this!!

  3. That may have been a joke but last night on the san diego news i saw a segment about an airline
    [forgot which one ] offering on their airbus flights a lounge that is child-free because many business travelers do not want to be distracted on flights.

  4. Wouldn't this be wonderful! I'd consider flying again if this was true, and they stopped charging for bags.

  5. Am I the only one who thinks they did this to make fun of childfree flights because they think the people who want them are being unreasonable?

  6. That's horrible. Think about that poor WestJet employee stuck in the cargo hold with those kids.

    Besides, it's totally unrealistic. The kids would HAVE to go in crates like dogs for it to work.


  7. Judging by the accent, I'd guess this was a Canadian spoof? I think Canadians just have a better sense of humor than people in the USA. I say that as a redblooded Amurrican. Why can't we joke like that down here in the States without someone getting their leotards bunched up?

  8. @shell- Ryan Air in the UK?Ireland have childfree sections!

    I got flamed the other day on a forum for saying I would pay to sit in a childfree section or that they should have a kid friendly cabin for kids and parents. I got told by self righteous parents to not fly if I didn't want kids on the plane and that they pay for airfare as well. Not that I ever said that kids couldn't fly!

  9. Haha I also got a bit suspicious (like bikegirl said, that they were making fun about childfree people for being unreasonable, but I cant stop thinking about how great the idea will be !

  10. There's already a childfree section on most airlines, in a way. It's called first class.

    Ever notice how few children there are in the first class cabin? I wonder how many people out there who have the money to spend are shelling out a little more money to get away from kids. There's no guarantee you won't be sitting next to a kid in first class, but the odds are much, much better. I know if I had more money I'd be willing to go first class for this very reason.

    I'm just saying, to those who are offended by the idea of childfree flights or childfree sections, that there are already people paying more to fly without kids nearby. Unofficially, of course.

    Ever see any airline ads showing babies in the cabin? Never. Clearly airlines realize that babyfree spaces are attractive to passengers.

    Take it one higher level -- how many babies do you think people are carrying onboard private jets? Just about zero. This is no coincidence. When people have a wide open freedom of choice to travel with our without kids on board, which do they seem to prefer? No kids on board.

  11. There is always some truth to every joke lmao
