Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Inequity in the Workplace


  1. This is so realistic, it's scary.

    I would only suggest one change: with the new health care bill, women are no longer going to the restroom to pump breast milk. The law now mandates that employers provide private rooms. Yep, one more benefit for the women who choose motherhood. One more expense for employers.

  2. No kidding. Speaking of inequity in the workplace, I found out that I get to work on Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day this year. Reason? I don't have a "family", meaning that I don't have kids. It really blows, but I'm definitely NOT working those holidays next year.

  3. Personally, a private room for expressing milk doesn't bother me at all. It's not something I'd want to have to do in the bathroom, either.

    But, you know when this scenario happens in real life, the woman would then go to HR and complain about discrimination. And she'd probably win. Which makes it more difficult for all women to get ahead.

  4. Spectra the same thing is happening at my workplace. I just got the email today asking for "volunteers" who don't have a family to work Halloween so those who do can spend the day with their kids. And if there aren't enough volunteers, they will be mandating volunteers. It's bullshit in my opinion.

  5. Great except for the fact that we all know she WOULD get the raise/promotion.

    After all, she has a family to take care of. *eyeroll*

  6. I had to share this with you since I thought yours was so funny! I posted it on my blog as well. Thanks for the great videos!
