Thursday, November 12, 2009

9 Silly Things People Say When they Hear you don't want Kids

This article by Liz Langley is so awesome, I just have to share it with you. Thanks, CFVixen, for forwarding.

9 Silly Things People Say When They Hear You Don't Want Kids (and Ways to Counter Them)


  1. I love the comeback "Just lucky, I guess"...I'm so using that! Thanks for sharing the article.

  2. "the threat of motherhood"

    Nice. This is a really good piece. Whenever I bring up the overpopulation angle, people immediately get on the defensive, as if I'm making it all up. Some commenter on and article blamed US overpopulation on "illegals". I've heard rumors from moms about some guy who wrote a piece about how even if a family is on welfare, it's none of our business how many children they have. I wish I could slap some humility into these people. I'm not a zero population growth advocate, just a "slow it down" one. I read an item the other day that reported over 4.1 million babies were born in the US in 2007 - the largest number ever. That's 4 million people to compete with HawkBaby for scholarships, college, jobs. Makes my head spin.

  3. What a great article, thank you. I love her response to "you'll change your mind." Yea, nothing like changing the perspective a little with examples of other major life decisions. HEL-LO! Hah!

  4. If only Nordart birth control was a real option - handy for non-compliant patients and teenagers with questionable judgment!

  5. If only Nordart was a real birth control option - handy for non-compliant patients and teenagers with questionable judgment!

  6. HawkMom: "That's 4 million people to compete with HawkBaby for scholarships, college, jobs."

    And food.
