Recent news reports noted that a mother in California just gave birth to octuplets after using fertility drugs..and she already has six other kids!! As a childfree person who has heard the phrase "selfish" leveled at my kind for a lifestyle choice that affects me alone (still haven't heard a rational explanation for that one..?!), I am mindblown by the fact that this woman believes six children will somehow not provide her with the full maternal 'rewards' that she craves!
With conservatives pushing for laws that will allow pharmacists to flaunt the job duties they accepted when hired, so that control over reproductive rights can be manipulated, where is the outcry for doctors to be given the right to refuse fertility treatments to naive, narcissistic fools like this couple? First, there is no indication that the couple are billionaires - a status that, in this economy, would be necessary to fully support a family of 16 financially from birth through college. I guess the responsibility will be shared with, among others, the taxpayers.
But just as offensive is the notion that, since she chemically altered her body in favor of natalism despite doctors' warnings about the health risks to the kids, she is somehow doing a 'noble' thing. This is where the concept of "Culture Of Life" completely fails society. I'm not suggesting that abortion is a desirable method of birth control..but for all our contempt of China, they realize a few things that we don't, and it's one of the few downsides of democracy: NO ONE on Earth should be allowed to have unlimited children.
The poor elder siblings of these 'miracles' expressed excitement at having more brothers and sisters - oh, really? Get back to us in 6 - 12 years! How do these parents think they can possibly give every individual child anywhere near the attention, affection and guidance they'll need, when simply making and cramming food into their gullets will consume over 6 hours a day?!! What kind of relationships will the parents/aunts/uncles/grandparents/friends all have with each other, as they attempt to formulate and coordinate the protection and guidance of 14 teenagers and young adults through a world full of dangers that they themselves can't fully imagine? Will the parents even be HOME AND AWAKE during all this?! How many jobs would you have to hold, and hours of sleep lose, just to keep their asses in Underoos?! The upshot is, since the couple will never again have time for sex (or anything else), the shallow gene pool may be culled by default. But, hey, don't worry, all you natalists - these people will definitely seek, and almost certainly get, some form of welfare. Why don't conservatives think of THAT when they cackle about 'it's a child, not a choice'..hey, wait - it WAS a choice - it was MAN who put those drugs into this selfish woman, not God! Can't you picture God slapping forehead and saying, "Great - I'll have to make 37 more tornadoes just to clear land for crops to feed this batch!!"
And even not taking into account the wider implications of this selfishness (the strain on our food supply, heath care, taxes, etc.), the overarching obscenity of this is: WHY DIDN'T THEY ADOPT? Millions of orphaned, unloved, homeless children worldwide, and do you think adoption occurs to more than a few percent of would-be parents? "Honey, what would you like most in life?" "Why, 14 replicas OF MYSELF!!"
So my apologies for everything my "selfish" lifestyle has taken from my family, and from the world.